The UW Anthropology Collection database is a work in progress. A number of collection objects/artifacts contain restricted information, be it legally restricted (precise geographic locations) or culturally sensitive. Therefore, the interface provided here is designed to initiate, not to complete, inquiry. Museum staff are continually adding, verifying, and updating database records. Users are encouraged to verify all search data with the UWAC Museum Director and/or the original data sources prior to finalizing project tasks or analysis.
UWAC Archaeological Sites*
UWAC Biological Collection*
UWAC Ethnographic Collection
All of the ethnographic objects in the UWAC are searchable through the UW Digital Collections.
UWAC Archives*
UWAC Teaching Collection*
UW Anthropology Theses and Dissertations*
*We are currently developing our online database content and search capabilities. Please check back soon to access this valuable resource!
Terms of Use: All specimen data and contents of this web site are property of the University of Wisconsin Department of Anthropology and the University of Wisconsin. Data may be used by researchers but may not be repackaged or redistributed in any form without the permission of the UWAC and the University of Wisconsin. Commercial use or publication by printed or electronic media is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the UWAC and the University of Wisconsin. Any use of data must be credited to the University of Wisconsin Anthropology Collection and the full URL of this website should be cited. The UWAC and its staff are not responsible for damages or loss due to the use of these data, nor is the UWAC liable for any damages suffered by users of the database or the software, programming, and other documentation found on these web pages or in these databases.